shooting the shit about what it means to exist

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Hello my lovelies. I’ve been cocooned up working on my internal shit. 

Today marks 24 days (skipping two days) of doing my grounding morning routine. This included meditating to get deep into Charlotte, at the core. Peeling away all of my identities to see what remained: Who am I outside of my job, outside of my relationships, outside my life experience? 

And there I was. Fully authentic. Fully me. Just me. Nothing else. I sat in that space, in peace, in quiet, in bliss. 

That morning practice is transformational. It reminded me how important it is to be fully aligned with your heart's truest desires and your most authentic self. I refuse to sacrifice my energy for anything that isn’t that. 

I continue to learn who I am and love who I am. And this is what you are meant for too. Be unapologetically yourself. That is your gift to the world. 

I talk about my badass transformational six month mastermind, Empowered AF. To learn more and register, click here.  


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Charlotte Myers